wind in exposed higher regions: Northeast with 20 to 30 kmph
Cloudy but dry all day.
Il tempo oggi, 10. December 2024
- 03:00 cloudy
- 06:00 cloudy
- 09:00 cloudy
- 12:00 cloudy
- 15:00 cloudy
- 18:00 cloudy
- 21:00 cloudy
- 24:00 cloudy
Il tempo oggi, 10. December 2024
wind in exposed higher regions: Northeast with 20 to 30 kmph
Cloudy but dry all day.
mattina, 11. December 2024
wind in exposed higher regions: North with 20 kmph
Often low stratus and also some denser clouds, mostly staying dry. Chances for sunshine through the afternoon only towards the west.
Thursday, December 12
Low stratus from Villach eastwards. Away from that lot of sunshine.
Friday, December 13
Out of regions with fog very sunny.
Saturday, December 14
Probably low stratus breaks up becoming partly sunny with some clouds.
Sunday, December 15
Possibly a weak low pressure system will bring lots of clouds and some snowfall.
Monday, December 16
Often quite sunny with just local fog in the morning.
10.12.2024 - 03:04 - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) - The weather experts in Carinthia